About this Site

As an avid ski racer who has raced and trained across ski slopes in North America and Europe, the issue of climate change and its impact on Skiing is near to my heart. Over the years, I have heard stories about how the season used to start at Thanksgiving, but today, even with artificial snow, the season doesn't fully kick off until late December or even January in some places. The snow conditions and temperature fluctuations have had a direct and visible impact on my passion sport - skiing.

Through this website, my goal is to speak about climate change and its impact on winter sports at large but ski racing in particular. My goal is to source and show data that highlights how temperatures are rising and creating erratic snow patterns across ski resorts all over the world. I intend for Data to speak louder than words. On this website, you can find weather data on major ski resorts worldwide (500 in total) dating back to the year 2000. We have resort-level data as well as aggregate by continent. And even though some resorts may be faring better than others, the aggregate data clearly shows that temperatures are rising and the snow is unpredictable. I hope you find the data insightful and resourceful.

As this website evolves, we intend to source data for more resorts globally, and drive a call to action to help preserve the enjoyment of skiing and the sport of ski racing alive for decades to come.

About the Data

We have spent much time sourcing the data from reliable sources. We wanted to start with a manageable data set so we narrowed down the list of 500 popular resorts across the globe. For each resort, we then pulled in daily historical data for temperature and snowfall. This data was sourced from Open-Meteo's open-source APIs.

Once we had daily data by resort, we tallied averages for temperatures, and an average of the sum of snowfall by resort to get to monthly averages and seasonal averages. To make sure we only included relevant data, we relied on each ski resort's operating winter months. In addition, for the southern hemisphere, we included the current year data into the current season; so 2000 data for South America and Oceania are accounted for in the 2000-2001 season and so on.

As this website and it's audience grows, we are looking to keep adding new data points for current and new resorts to show firsthand through analytics that global warming is truly a challenge for the skiing industry. Any solution begins with a good understanding of the problem. With the data on this website, we intend to visualize the problem and eventually work with the global community to help develop meaningful, sustainable, and scalable solutions.

In the meantime, I look forward to interacting with like-minded people to discuss their experiences and points of view: mokshpskis@gmail.com